Recap – Lector/EME Meeting – September 11, 2023
For both EME/Lector
Information regarding new Mass Schedule Platform – The Church Community Builder (CCB)
Parish Text message No. 1-833-479-9363, please add to the contact as “OLOG Parish”
Following is the email format that you will receive from the new platform regarding the mass schedule. Please click “View and Respond” to accept the assignment or “decline”. A remind Text or an Email will send to you 3 days before your service.
- Attire: We are serving in God's house. Ministers' attires therefore should be appropriate, modest, refraining from jeans, sports or active wear. Ministers’ attire should manifest the reverence we show for the presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
- Punctuality: Assigned ministers should arrive 15 minutes before the mass. Ministers should also be Available to greet and welcome parishioners at the vestibule.
- EME should proceed to the front row during the “Lamb of God.”
- EME can go up to the altar immediately after reciting the prayer “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you….”.
- If there is NO Deacon co-celebrant, EME who stands to receive the communion closest to the Tabernacle will serve at the Choir side, the one closest to the congregation will serve at the Sacristy side. And the one in the middle will serve next to the Presider.
- If there is a Deacon co-celebrant, EME closest to the Tabernacle serves at the Choir side, the deacon will serve next to the Presider, and the one closest to the congregation will serve at the Sacristy side.
- EME should REFAIN from distributing the Host to those who present the Pyx while receiving Holy Communion.
- There will be a Gluten Free host available for those in need.
- For Homebound EME
- All homebound ministers should be trained before serving.
- Homebound EME should bring the Pyx to the sacristy before mass and the assigned sacristan will bring it up to the altar placing the needed amount of hosts in it.
- After distribution of Communion, Homebound EME should be attentive to the Presider to know when to come forward to receive your Pyx.
- Homebound EME should go directly to their ministry without engaging in other activities after mass.
- Host which cannot be distributed immediately, should be returned to the Tabernacle or in an impossibility to do so, consumed by the EME. Consecrated Host SHOULD NOT BE LEFT with the EME either at home, in the Car to a later distribution to the homebound. It is not appropriate to carry around the Eucharist while doing other business.
Information regarding new Mass Schedule Platform – The Church Community Builder (CCB)
Parish Text message No. 1-833-479-9363, please add to the contact as “OLOG Parish”
Following is the email format that you will receive from the new platform regarding the mass schedule. Please click “View and Respond” to accept the assignment or “decline”. A remind Text or an Email will send to you 3 days before your service.