Our Program
Our Lady of Guadalupe believes that catechetical ministry is a share in Jesus’ own mission of proclaiming the Reign of God. Catechesis is that activity which enables faith to become living, conscious, and active through the light of instruction -- especially sharing God's Word in Scripture and sharing the tradition of the Catholic Church. Catechesis is a life-long process for each individual as well as the work of the entire Catholic Christian community.
The Church teaches that the primary responsibility for the spiritual growth and development of the children rests first and foremost with the parents. Parents may share this responsibility with others, but they do not relinquish it.
The Church assists the parents in passing on their faith through the ministry of catechesis. Catechists echo the Catholic faith in a way that those being catechized (children, youth, and adults) can understand. Catechists must do more than merely teach about the faith. They help children and youth build and strengthen their relationship with Jesus and the Church. Catechists do this by proclaiming the Word, building a sense of community, leading to prayer and worship, encouraging loving service to others and through the example of their own lives.
Our catechists are all volunteers, from many walks of life. They are people who have answered a call to minister to our children/youth and who have prepared themselves in a variety of ways to serve as catechists. Above all, they are people for whom faith is important enough to share.
In conclusion, the catechetical process seeks to open our children and youth to the discovery of the goodness and beauty of God as reflected in their world, and help them to experience this world within the Catholic Christian community. It seeks to help them grow further in their faith, their understanding of our Catholic tradition, our unity in Christ and the many gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Instruction is provided in regular Faith Formation classes, particularly with regard to preparation for the sacraments. Please contact Juan Jose Suarez regarding the specific needs of your child or youth.
Children also have a responsibility to cooperate in order to benefit from the Faith Formation classes at Our Lady of Guadalupe. They are expected to:
· Be respectful of the catechist and other children.
· Listen carefully, follow directions and participate in the session activities.
· Complete home assignments.
· Follow attendance, emergency and safety procedures, and discipline policies.
· Share what they have learned and experienced in their classes with their parents and families.
The Church teaches that the primary responsibility for the spiritual growth and development of the children rests first and foremost with the parents. Parents may share this responsibility with others, but they do not relinquish it.
The Church assists the parents in passing on their faith through the ministry of catechesis. Catechists echo the Catholic faith in a way that those being catechized (children, youth, and adults) can understand. Catechists must do more than merely teach about the faith. They help children and youth build and strengthen their relationship with Jesus and the Church. Catechists do this by proclaiming the Word, building a sense of community, leading to prayer and worship, encouraging loving service to others and through the example of their own lives.
Our catechists are all volunteers, from many walks of life. They are people who have answered a call to minister to our children/youth and who have prepared themselves in a variety of ways to serve as catechists. Above all, they are people for whom faith is important enough to share.
In conclusion, the catechetical process seeks to open our children and youth to the discovery of the goodness and beauty of God as reflected in their world, and help them to experience this world within the Catholic Christian community. It seeks to help them grow further in their faith, their understanding of our Catholic tradition, our unity in Christ and the many gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Instruction is provided in regular Faith Formation classes, particularly with regard to preparation for the sacraments. Please contact Juan Jose Suarez regarding the specific needs of your child or youth.
Children also have a responsibility to cooperate in order to benefit from the Faith Formation classes at Our Lady of Guadalupe. They are expected to:
· Be respectful of the catechist and other children.
· Listen carefully, follow directions and participate in the session activities.
· Complete home assignments.
· Follow attendance, emergency and safety procedures, and discipline policies.
· Share what they have learned and experienced in their classes with their parents and families.